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- Macroctopus | Aninvestor
Discover the power of numbers. Unravel the magic behind ratios, statements and patterns coming soon!
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dear reader, Discover our content 1-. Discover the Animals Guide Reindeer Wise Tortoise Alternative Shark Sustainable Chameleon Number Octopus 2-. Members Community My Investing Career Templates 3-. Navigation Top Menu Home Learn Members Log In Bottom Menu Terms and Conditions Financial Disclaimer Contact 1-. Financial Freedom Introduction 2-. Organization Cash Flow Budgeting Calendar Organization Takeaways 3-. Debt Definition The Borrower The Lender Tackling Debt 4-. Insurance Definition Parameters & suggested use 1-. The Time Value of Money Present Value Future Value Compounding - the power of time Template with compounding periods 2-. Risk The Tradeoff Risk Free Return Investment Classification Income Streams ETF’s 3-. Types of Investors Passive Moderate Aggressive 4-. Fixed Income (bonds) 5-. Equity theory (stocks) How to analyze a stock Fundamental analysis Technical analysis Speculation Dividend stocks Short Selling 6-. Equity application (stocks) Filling an order Stop Loss Market order Conditional order 7-. Real Estate Rentals REITS (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Refinance 1-. It’s all about the green Understanding Sustainability The ESG Framework Goals for People, for Planet The Power of Impact Investing 2-. Environmental Considerations Climate Change Renewable Energy and Clean Technologies 3-. Social Considerations Labor and Human Rights Diversity, Equity and Compensation Safety and Protection 4-. Governance Considerations Corporate Governance and Board Structure Executive Compensation and Incentive Structures Anti-Corruption and Ethics 5-. ESG: A controversial metric Impact on Investment Performance Mandatory vs. Voluntary ESG Disclosure 6-. Real world application MSCI Ratings Incorporating ESG into our decisions Becoming an ESG Advocate To be defined soon!
- Guide Reindeer | Aninvestor
Anchor 4 Dear reader, It is a p leasure to welcome you to our digital financial academ y Created for everyone JUMP TO 1. Animals 2. Members JUMP TO 3. Navigation Anchor 2 1. ANIMALS Learning is split into five distinct sections, each represented by a distinct animal. discover the material Unleash the power of our website! Suitable for both beginners and experienced users. Congratulations! animal tutorial completed! return Anchor 1 Increasing complexity Understand the basics of personal finance, empowering you to navigate more complex topics with confidence. discover the material begin learning It’s all about the green. Uncover how finance relates to the environment. Become an agent of change discover the material begin learning Unlock your tools! Learn about investment structures like equity, fixed income, real estate... and so much more. discover the material begin learning Discover the power of numbers. Unravel the magic behind ratios, statements and patterns. discover the material begin learning 2. members In this section, you will be able to find all member related content. Click on either the name or the image of the section to enter. Community: Engage in insightful discussions with fellow members, sharing thoughts and perspectives on finance-related matters. Aninvestor aims to foster a knowledgeable community capable of making strategic decisions for a prosperous future. Upon clicking, you will be asked to JOIN a group. You can JOIN as many groups as you like. Select the ones that most interest you. To share, click on “Share something”, as shown below: Customize your comment, and publish it! My investing career: Tailored and user-friendly instructions will be provided based on your region, assisting you in initiating your investing journey confidently. TUTORIAL & MAJOR UPDATE COMING SOON! Templates: Discover a collection of elegant and user-friendly templates you can download and take advantage of designed to fulfill your financial goals. To download a template, click on templates and then on the name of the template you want to download, as shown below: Congratulations! member tutorial completed! return Anchor 3 3. Navigation Top Menu : By clicking on the titles, you will be able to access the most important sections of this website including: Home: Access learning directly by clicking on the animal images as shown below: New publications Updates to the website More about this project (Impact, Team, Mission, Vision) In addition, you will be able to contact us by filling out the following forms and clicking submit as shown below: Learn: If you hover your mouse over the learn section, you will be met with the names of the animals as shown below: You can directly go to a specific animal by clicking on its name as shown below: If you decide to click the learn section, you will find all the covered material throughout the learning experience. It will be sorted by animals, and displayed by order of appearance. You will be able to access a specific topic directly from the section in no time. Members: To access this section, membership is required. Rest assured, membership is completely free and offers numerous benefits. Upon clicking, you will discover three sections that can be expanded by simply clicking on the images. Detailed explanations for each section will be provided within the members section (3). Tutorial: If you need assistance with any specific section, simply click on the "Tutorial" option. You will find concise and descriptive explanations to guide you through the content. Log In: When clicked, the Log In button will redirect you to create your account. To do this you will need: A Google Account A Facebook Account An e-mail and a password (created by you) Bottom Menu : The bottom menu offers a much more detailed breakdown of the website's sections. New important sections include: Review our Terms and Conditions Review our Financial Disclaimer Contact us through e-mail hovering, not clicking clicking Congratulations! Navigation tutorial completed! return
- Sustainable Cameleon | Aninvestor
In your hands, lies choice In choice, lies our future sustainability a guide to the finance behind it's all about the green module 1 Understanding Sustainability We only have one planet, one home. Resources are not infinite. To address this, society has developed the concept of “sustainability”: the practice of using resources to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do so. In the grand scheme of things, this concept is very new, in fact, it has only become popular in the last few decades because we have started to understand the consequences of centuries of unconscious practices. a brief timeline of the term "sustainability" The ESG Framework In 2004, the United Nations acknowledged the term Environmental, Social and Governance, often abbreviated as ESG. The ESG is a well-rounded framework that allows investors to assess a company's commitment to those impacted by its practices and quantity their efforts towards sustainability. (A thorough analysis will be performed later in this section) Image retrieved from the United Nations Goals for people, for the Planet The future is promising, but before we reach prosperity, we must face reality. Both our species and our home, planet Earth, face important challenges. According to the United Nations, these are the most important calls to action we must answer to: Notice how many of these goals overlap with ESG: The environment (6,7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) Society (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16) Governance (5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17) The Power of Impact Investing Capital and choice grant investors the ability to exert influence over the actions of the worlds' largest companies. Why not seize this opportunity to set a new direction for our planet? The sheer magnitude of capital being manipulated in the market serves as a reflection of its potential to reshape our timeline towards prosperity. As investors we not only have an ability to do so, but a responsibility to our community and our planet. think about it... "e" stands for environment module 2 Climate Change Climate change is a natural process that our planet goes through, however “there is unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate” (NASA). the science behind climate change The sun’s heat rays enter Earth’s atmosphere and bounce off the surface of the planet, returning to space. The cumulative liberation of greenhouse gasses, such as (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, etc) has formed a layer in the atmosphere that absorbs and re-radiates heat into earth, preventing it from leaving, effectively increasing Earth’s temperature. Climate change made Australia’s wildfires 30% more frequent Venice, Italy is sinking by 0.2 centimeters per year. Earth’s average temperature has increased by 1.1 degrees celsius (33.98 fahrenheit) since the first industrial revolution examples of present consequences It is only natural to discover how much do industries contribute As you can see, energy production accounts for approximately 3/4ths of total emissions. In fact, coal and oil companies are the greatest polluters out there. Just the top 10 oil & coal companies have contributed 34.26 percent of global emissions. Only Water depletion Water depletion has significantly increased due to factors such as population growth, evaporation, and deforestation. However, a striking statistic from Conservation Gateway in 2018 reveals that "nearly two-thirds of all water consumption goes into producing ingredients for corporate supply chains." Unfortunately, the rate at which drinking water replenishes cannot keep pace with its usage. 3% Of Earth's water is suitable for drinking Renewable Energy and Clean Technologies As shown by the previous module, energy plays a prominent role in the grand scheme of things. Fortunately, there are alternatives like renewable energy (which is sustainable and does not pollute the environment) and low carbon sources. contributors and consequences Drinking water, agriculture, power generation, manufacturing, fashion, and chemical industries have long been identified as main contributors to water depletion. While we must take preventive measures for the future, it's important to acknowledge that these issues are already occurring. As of July 2023, more than half of Uruguay's 3.5 million citizens lacked access to tap water suitable for drinking. This pressing matter underscores the significance of water management, which has been integrated into the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework's environmental section. sources of energy Each energy source has unique advantages and disadvantages to it. The most important ones include: solar power, wind power, hydropower, nuclear energy (yes, you read that correctly! Despite its fame, nuclear energy is the second lowest carbon energy source out there), etc. The majority of energy sources are bound by their geographical location. For instance, solar power would not be effective in places far from the equator. However, some work regardless, such as nuclear power plants. a seamless transition... Transitioning to clean energies has an elevated upfront cost. Stakeholders can encourage oil companies to transition to clean energies. Surely, there are several challenges that renewables must overcome, nevertheless, with increased funding and interest from society, change for the better awaits. as conscious investors... As environmentally conscious investors, we possess the capacity to encourage the adoption of water-friendly practices and discourage excessive consumption. By closely monitoring our utilization of natural resources, we can proactively address these challenges and invest consciously. As of 2020, 37% of the total energy production on our planet came from low carbon sources. With more and more environment conscious investors, we can push that number even higher. "s" stands for social module 3 Parameters Currently, the factors that comprise it are quite ambiguous and ambitious. Consequent to that, quantifying this factor into investment decisions has become quite challenge , according to experts. Currently there is a lot of bias towards quantifying negative social contributions rather than positive ones. This category needs a major restructure in order to become standardized. However the following are categories that can help you better understand the main factors that the social component entails and currently measures. Labor and Human Rights Social considerations with ESG try to understand and measure a business’s impact on its members, being both internal (workforce) or external (customers and politics). The S factor seeks to minimize possible risk coming from these factors. Labor and human rights laws were recognized by the United Nations in 1919 and 1948, respectively. Businesses that follow these laws thoroughly are unlikely to face legal consequences, damage to their reputation, limited access to markets and high turnover rates, among many others. Thus it is not only societies interest, but also influential stakeholders' like investors to promote a correct implementation of these laws. Safety and Protection Quality and privacy are also strong contributors to the social aspect of ESG. It is in the investors interest that companies adopt intelligent practices and policies that address these scenarios. Transparency is a key factor that investors must look for in their portfolios. Diversity, Equity and Compensation This Social subcategory encompasses three critical factors. To begin with, it is imperative to establish fair compensation that enables the workforce to maintain a high quality of life, including providing for their families, owning a home, and making occasional purchases. In addition, no differences in pay and authority must be attributed to gender, race or religious affiliation. Furthermore, it is crucial to be mindful of and address the pay gap between regular employees and executives. These factors not only promote security and stability for the workforce but also contribute to maintaining a positive public image among consumers, prospective employees, and investors. "G" stands for governance module 4 Parameters Governance in the context of ESG refers to the set of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. The governance structure involves balancing the interests of a company's many stakeholders. The effectiveness of this structure directly impacts a company’s ability to achieve long-term sustainability and ethical operations. Anti-Corruption and Ethics Corruption and unethical practices can significantly undermine a company’s reputation and financial stability. The importance of transparency in operations, adherence to legal standards, and the establishment of clear ethical guidelines to prevent bribery, corruption, and other unethical behaviors are standards that company's need to monitor and uphold. Additionally, this section calls for mechanisms to report and deal with unethical practices. Executive Incentive Structures Executive incentive structures are crucial in aligning corporate goals with long-term sustainability. This involves designing compensation methods, such as bonuses and stock options, to motivate executives to prioritize environmental and social responsibilities alongside profitability. It examines how these incentives influence decision-making and risk management, promoting a culture of responsible governance. Are employees incentivized to do good? Corporate Governance and Board The governance and board aspect delves into the structure and composition of a company's board of directors. It involves ensuring board diversity and independence, which are essential for effective governance. The role of the board in overseeing the company's ESG strategy, risk management, and adherence to governance standards is central. This component also explores the specific roles of board committees in addressing governance issues like audit, risk management, and sustainability. ESG, A controversial metric module 5 Impact on investing performance Isolating ESG factors' direct impact on investment performance is challenging. Despite this, emerging data suggests a positive correlation. For instance, a study found that companies with high ESG ratings outperformed the market average by 3-5% over the past decade. Additionally, during economic downturns, ESG-focused funds have shown a 20% higher resilience compared to traditional funds. These trends indicate that while quantifying ESG's exact impact is complex, its influence on long-term investment stability and growth is evident mandatory vs voluntary disclosure Currently, disclosing ESG audits is a voluntary practice. Despite increasing pressure from stakeholders, companies retain the discretion to decide whether or not to adhere to these standards. This raises an important question: Should this compliance be merely optional? As impact investors, we possess significant leverage to steer companies towards sustainable practices. By prioritizing investments in businesses that demonstrate a commitment to ESG principles, we can send a clear message about the market's expectations. We can advocate for stricter regulatory frameworks that mandate ESG disclosures, thus, leveling the playing field and ensuring that sustainability becomes part of companies vision, rather than an optional add-on. module 6 ESG, A Real-World Application MSCI Ratings MSCI ratings provide a quantitative measure of a company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, using a scale from AAA (leader) to CCC (laggard). These ratings enable investors to objectively compare the ESG risks and practices of various companies. MSCI ratings are essential for those aiming to invest in sustainable and ethically responsible businesses. They pinpoint investment choices that align with personal values on the aspects measured by ESG. We encourage you to check the ESG ratings of your favorite companies in the official MSCI website: https://www.msci.com/our-solutions/esg-investing/esg-ratings-climate-search-tool Incorporating ESG into our decisions Incorporating ESG considerations into our decision-making processes is essential in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. By taking into account these factors, we ensure that our choices align with the planet. But beyond adhering to ethical standards, ESG metrics serve as valuable indicators of future business opportunities or potential challenges. Becoming an ESG Advocate Your voice and actions can drive change, promoting sustainable and ethical practices around our world. Start small, think big, and be a part of shaping a responsible future. Join the movement for a better tomorrow – every effort counts!
- Aninvestor | Free Academy of Finance
By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by our terms and conditions and our financial disclaimer . We kindly request that you read both. Aninvestor © Academy of finance To foster financial literacy through online education . . Meet The animals Guide Reindeer Wise Tortoise Alternative Shark Sustainable Chameleon Macroctopus Step-by-Step Guide Up fresh content, every week Our story My name is Daniel, a current high school senior in Mexico City, Mexico. As a student captivated by the business world, I identified an opportunity to establish an educational platform centered on our ability to make wise decisions. In the summer of 2022, I developed Aninvestor: a project that links several relevant concepts in a digestible manner for a holistic understanding of modern finance. This project began with designs on canva.com, a domain on wix.com, templates on google sheets, and the mission to empower users around the world with a continuous, organized, and high-quality learning experience. I would like to specially thank Andres Acevedo Vega, a friend and fellow high school senior, for his invaluable contributions in the form of research & collaboration, and Abel Domínguez Rish, another friend and fellow senior at our school, for his assistance with the website’s promotion. Aninvestor envisions a reality where people have access to equal opportunities and firmly believes that high-quality education, starting with financial literacy, can be the catalyst for a positive transformation toward a prosperous future. Together in the Journey, Daniel Tuero A word about choice... and finance At all times we are surrounded by choices. Some are bound to be made by destiny, while others fall into our hands. In the world we live in, long term stability and prosperity often depend on financial decisions. Fortunately, through curiosity and perseverance, we can become knowledgeable in these topics, empowering us to make wiser decisions. begin today! Select your country why become a member? high quality free content It's very simple Personalized learning experience begin your investing journey today And so much more... Community Dolphin🔒 Sign up Anchor 1 Questions, comments, suggestions? Enter Your Name Enter Your Email Message Submit Thanks for submitting! Please Feel free to reach out! Aninvestor © Up
- My Investing Career Mexico | Aninvestor
Mexico Abrir una cuenta El primer paso para comenzar a invertir es abrir una cuenta de broker . Una firma de brokering actúa como intermediario entre usted (el inversor) y el broker. Cua ndo decide comprar o vender una acción, esta transacción se facilita a través de su cuenta de corretaje. El broker ejecuta estas operaciones en su nombre, asegurando que su compra o venta se lleve a cabo en el mercado de valores. Los siguientes son algunos de los brokers más reconocidos en México. Cada uno ofrece un servicio diferente. Escoge o busca uno que te acerque a tus objetivos Etoro GBM Interactive Brokers ¿Qué documentos necesito? Toma en cuenta: Muchos bancos ofrecen servicios de broker. Confirmalo con tu banco de confianza. Para abrir una cuenta de broker, tendrá que proporcionar una serie de documentos para cumplir con las regulaciones financieras. Estos suelen incluir: Identificación Emitida por el Gobierno: pasaporte, licencia de conducir, tarjeta de identidad nacional, etc. Información de Empleo: estado de empleo, empleador (si corresponde), información de contacto Información Financiera: ingreso anual, patrimonio neto, experiencia de inversión Contrato Firmado con el Broker. Las ganancias en el mercado de valores se gravan a diferentes tasas, dependiendo de cuánto tiempo mantengas un determinada vehículo Impuesto sobre Ganancias de Capital a Corto Plazo: En México, las ganancias de capital a corto plazo suelen tratarse como ingreso ordinario. Esto significa que se suman al resto de tus ingresos y se gravan según las tarifas del ISR (Impuesto Sobre la Renta), que pueden variar desde aproximadamente el 1.92% hasta el 35%, dependiendo del nivel total de ingresos. Impuesto sobre Ganancias de Capital a Largo Plazo: Para las ganancias de capital a largo plazo (por ejemplo, inversiones mantenidas por más de 12 meses), la tasa impositiva puede ser diferente. Generalmente, se aplica una tasa fija que puede estar alrededor del 10% al 20%, aunque esto puede variar según las regulaciones específicas y las circunstancias de cada caso. Como puedes ver, el gobierno incentiva al inversor a invertir a largo plazo, lo que explica por qué estas inversiones se gravan a una tasa mas baja ¡Felicidades! Has abierto tu cuenta de broker. ¿Y ahora qué sigue? Después de acceder a tu cuenta, tendrás que hacer un depósito con la cantidad que deseas invertir al número de cuenta de broker (que se encuentra en su plataforma). Más tarde, tendrás la opción de buscar diferentes valores, incluyendo acciones, bonos, ETF en la barra de búsqueda utilizando su SÍMBOLO DE COTIZACIÓN o NOMBRE. Después de seleccionar uno, se te presentarán algunas preguntas. ¿Qué tipo de orden deseas realizar? Recuerda Al comprar una acción, tu riesgo es limitado, ya que el valor más bajo que cualquier acción puede alcanzar es $0. Sin embargo, al vender una acción en corto tu riesgo es ilimitado, ya que la acción podría teóricamente aumentar hasta el infinito. Por lo tanto, establecer límites de pérdida es crucial. Aconsejamos a nuestros miembros evitar las ventas en corto al principio de su trayectoria. 2. ¿Cuántas acciones-bonos-etc desea comprar? 3. ¿Deseas comprar al "precio de mercado" o establecer un "precio específico"? Explicación Cuando compras al 'precio de mercado', es probable que tu orden se complete inmediatamente. Sin embargo, en este caso, no tienes control sobre el precio exacto al que estás comprando. El precio de mercado puede fluctuar y podrías terminar pagando un precio ligeramente diferente al esperado. Por otro lado, si estableces un 'precio específico' para tu orden, solo se completará a ese precio en particular. Esto te da control sobre el precio que pagas. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que establecer un precio poco realista puede resultar en que tu orden no se complete. Es importante establecer un precio razonable y que refleje las condiciones actuales del mercado. $ "" Monitorea mis inversiones Después de que su orden haya sido completada, encontrará un gráfico similar al siguiente en su cuenta broker Valor del portafolio Periodo de tiempo Día en el que abrió su cuenta Fecha actual $0 En este espacio, podrá monitorear sus inversiones A nuestros miembros, les recomendamos invertir en el largo plazo. Recuerde el poder del interés compuesto. En el corto plazo, existen fluctuaciones impredecibles e impuestos más altos Recuerde la clave de un portafolio exitoso : Investigación Consistencia Diversificación Suerte (el mercado es impredecible)
- Financial Disclaimer | Aninvestor
FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER Last updated June 23, 2023 The following disclaimer applies to all financial information provided on this platform, including but not limited to articles, analysis, recommendations, and any other material related to financial topics. Please read this disclaimer carefully before relying on any financial information provided herein. No Financial Advice: The financial information provided on this platform is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. It is not tailored to your individual financial situation, objectives, or risk tolerance. You should consult with a qualified financial professional before making any investment decisions or taking any financial actions Accuracy of Information: While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any financial information presented. The financial markets are dynamic and subject to rapid changes. Therefore, we recommend verifying any information with additional sources and conducting your own research before making any financial decisions. Risk Disclosure: Investing in financial markets involves inherent risks, including the risk of loss of capital. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The information provided on this platform does not take into account your individual financial situation or risk appetite. You should carefully consider your own circumstances and seek professional advice to understand the risks associated with any investment or financial decision. No Endorsement: Mention of any specific financial product, service, or company does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. We do not endorse or promote any particular investment strategy, product, or service. Any decisions made based on information provided on this platform are solely your responsibility. Third-Party Links: This platform may contain links to third-party websites or resources. These links are provided for convenience and informational purposes only. We are not responsible for the content, accuracy, or availability of external websites, nor do we endorse any opinions, products, or services mentioned on such websites. No Liability: We shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses, or expenses arising from the use or reliance upon the financial information provided on this platform. This includes, but is not limited to, any financial losses, lost profits, or consequential damages. Legal and Tax Considerations: The financial information provided on this platform does not constitute legal or tax advice. You should consult with qualified professionals regarding legal, tax, or accounting matters related to your financial situation. By accessing and using this platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this financial disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, please refrain from using this platform .
- Wise Tortoise | Aninvestor
Understand the basics, empowering you to navigate more complex topics with confidence. personal finance a guide to financial freedom We have all dreamt of freedom. For some, it might mean pursuing a particular career path or discovering hidden destinations, for others, spending time with loved ones. Perhaps, dedicating time to that hobby of yours. We encourage you to determine: What does freedom look like to you? “A dream written down with a date becomes a goal” Greg Reid organization The key to personal finance is awareness. The best way to be aware, is to be organized. There are multiple strategies to achieve this, however, we recommend starting off simple: 1-. Cash flow Administrating your cash flow correctly is perhaps the most important step you could take towards fina ncial freedom . How? List your monthly inflows (money going in) and outflows (money going out) in separate columns, in descending order from largest to smallest. Try to account for and list every recurring expense or income you can think of. am I spending more than I should? Discover budgeting Experts recommend distributing expenses in the following manner 55% : Essentials This is the category for all that you consider really necessary, like debt, taxes, mortgages, food and education. 10%: Emergency funds and insurance This category is meant to provide safety for the future. In this course, we will later explain insurances, but if you, for now, do not feel in a position to hire them, it is important to have a least a savings account from which you can quickly withdraw money in case of emergencies like unexpected medical procedures, a problem with your car, or needing to bail out of jail. 10% Investment This category is meant to, with time, augment your income, net worth, and allow you to retire. We will expand on it further in the “aggressive shark” course. 10% Long term savings / Retirement Accounts This is meant to allow you to retire. 15%: Leisure This category is for everything that you spend for pleasure, meaning fine dining, new clothing and expenses. It is undeniable that having this is necessary for a healthy life. Still, it isn’t healthy to spend more than 15% of your income on it. Recommended monthly expenditure diagram Input your income and expenses, and let it handle the calculations and generate a customized diagram for easy comparison. build your diagram Access Aninvestor's free template here! Cash Flow Template steps you can take to improve your diagram Notice what sections are consuming more than they should High Levels of Debt will be addressed further down 2. D etermine w hat can be done to reduce this expenditure. Perhaps your rent is too high 3. You may need to create a new section and allocate funds to it Open an emergency fund Bear in mind the opportunity cost of modifying your expenditure. You shouldn’t, for example, sacrifice education to increase your investments. Weigh your options and think about the long term results. “Constructing wealth is not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of habits” 2-. Calendar A missing payment h as important consequences, such as: Penalizing interest payments Hindering loan accessibility Structuring a financial calendar will help you avoid them, and manage to build your credit at the same time. How? Choose the method that works best for you: paper or digital. If you choose to go with the latter, we suggest working with “Google Calendar” , where you can set friendly reminders. Next, from the outflows column in your Cash Flow Template, identify constant expenses that have payment dates and schedule them down in your calendar for the next month. Repeat this process for at least three months. Organization Takeaways Organization lets you be in control of your expenses and not the other way around. Having systems like these in place will allow you to: 1-. Identify anomalies 2-. Establish budgets But most importantly, 3-. Set the foundations for your financial goals. “It is easy to let expenses go unchecked and opportunities go unnoticed.” debt Whenever we apply for a mortgage, a student loan, or a car loan, we are dealing with debt. The easiest way to grasp this concept is to analyze it from an example with two distinct perspectives: 1-. The Borrower (you) Lets say you discover the perfect house for you and your family. You ask for the price, and... the house can be yours for: $100,000.00 dollars. You do not have access to that amount of money. So, what do you do? You go to the bank and ask for a loan. Loans for the purchase of houses are called mortgages. This is what they say: We will give you a mortgage for your home if you accept the following terms. Mortgage Agreement Contract Example 1-. Your down payment will be 20% 2-. Your interest rate will be 5% 3-. Your loan term will be 30 years 4-. Your monthly payment will be $429.46 dollars 5. The bank will own an interest in the home until the mortgage is fully paid off. Sign here _________________________ This content is purely informative and should not be interpreted any other way. Please consult an expert prior to making decisions. 1 DOWN PAYMENT The down payment is the percentage of the value of the asset (in this case the house) you will have to pay upfront. In this case, 20% of 100,000.00 is $20,000. You are really borrowing $80,000.00 dollars from the bank. 2 INTEREST RATE By providing you a mortgage, the bank is offering you a service. The interest rate is the “price” the bank is charging you for borrowing their money. The lower the interest rate, the better the deal. Note: Selecting a fixed interest rate (does not change) is encouraged by experts, as it protects from extreme volatility. Even though it can be more expensive, it really is worth considering. 3 The loan term simply refers to the amount of years until you pay off your mortgage, in this case 30 years. TERM 4 Throughout the loan term, you will have to pay $429.46 dollars each month. MONTHLY PAYMENT 5 OWNERSHIP The bank will own an interest in the home until the mortgage is fully paid off. 2-. The lender (most likely the bank) The borrower walks into the bank and insists he wants a beautiful house. He explains that unfortunately he does not have enough money to purchase it. Suddenly the bank remembers it has $80,000.00 dollars in the vault. As time goes by, that money is losing value because of factors that will be explained after. By offering a mortgage, or any kind of loan really, the bank can avoid that loss and even make money in exchange for an interest payment from the borrower. The interest rate depends on: 1-. Current market conditions 2-. Default risk (the borrower stops paying ) Most of the times, the higher the interest rate, the higher the profit the bank will make on the deal. how much will the lender make on this deal? Lets recall point number 4 (monthly payments). Remember the payments of $429.46 dollars? Let's see how much does the borrower ends up paying in total... If you recall, the borrower only borrowed $80,000.00 for the house. Well, it turns out that the difference between what the borrower ends up paying and the original borrowed quantity is the lenders profit in present value. $429.46 x 360 (number of monthly payments in 30 years) = $154,605.6 $154,605.6 - $80,000.00 = $74,605.6 Both parties agree to the loan and walk away happy. tackling debt There are multiple strategies to deal with debt. Before we outline them, we must thoroughly inspect our "montly payment". Once you pay the $429.46 dollars, it is split in two different sections: Principal (red): The part of the monthly payment that goes towards paying the original $80,000.00 Interest (blue): The part of the monthly payment that goes towards paying the bank. A mortization tables and graphs help us visualize the distribution of our payment throughout the loan term. Remember those risks we talked about. By structuring the mortgage like this, the lender basically prioritizes the interest payment. Besides, in the event of default, the bank can seize the property, resell it and regain what it lent, a process commonly known as foreclosure. 1. Principal increases. 2. Interest decreases. Can you spot the trend over time? why does this make sense? W hen deciding to pay off a pending loan, determine whet her you are paying interest or principal. Our template lets you visualize any outstanding loans you have. Based on the chart, decide if they are worth paying off at this particular moment. a pro tip... Access Aninvestor's free template here! Amortization template The path for effective debt management 1 MINIMUM PAYMENTS Find out what the minimum monthly payments are for each and every single one of your debts. Make them. Cut unnecessary expenses, if needed. This way, you can avoid penalties, which can lead to substantial consequences in the future. 2 To begin, list all your outstanding debts and determine their interest rates. Arrange them in order, starting with the debt that has the largest interest rate and ending with the one that has the smallest. The intention is to pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first, then move on to the next one, creating an "avalanche" effect. In many cases, you can allocate extra capital directly to the principal without paying additional interest. AVALANCHE 3 ALTERNATIVES You can opt for several alternative options, however we will only mention two: Negotiation Depe nding on the circumnstances, you may be eligible to renegotiate your loan terms, perhaps extending the time period or decreasing the interest. Verif y you are not hurting your credit score by doing so . Debt consolidatio n Depe nding on the circumnstances, you may be eligible to combine all your debts into one with a specific interest attatched to it. Verif y you are not hurting your credit score by doing so . Insurance Insurance is a financial tool designed to offer protection against substantial losses or damages. This includes various types, such as health, car, home, and business insurance, though virtually anything can be insured. By choosing to insure something, you enter into an agreement with an insurance provider, adhering to specific terms and conditions. Typically, this involves paying a regular fee, in exchange for the security offered by the insurance. Should a significant loss or damage occur that falls within the agreed terms, the insurance company is obligated to provide compensation, potentially covering the full value of the insured asset. Essentially, insurance companies consist of numerous policyholders like yourself. Collectively, the fees paid by these policyholders accumulate, creating a financial reserve used to address the insurance claims (significant losses or damages) made by clients. This approach effectively distributes the risk among all the insured individuals. Think of insurance as a strategy to safeguard your assets against unexpected events. How? This content is purely informative and should not be interpreted any other way. Please consult an expert prior to making decisions.